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Drupal 8 progressive decoupling with React
- Authors
- Name
- Christophe Jossart
- @colorfield
Progressive decoupling and ES6 support on Drupal 8 are definitely gaining some momentum.
After having tested several methods to make use of React within Drupal, I had a look a the React Comments module. What I like about the approach that the maintainers took, is that React is:
- Drupal environment agnostic, self contained
- standard: relies on the well spread create-react-app
- developer friendly: the theme can use libraries override and the bundling process is really easy.
Over all, I found there something simple to get started with and to maintain.
It may not be a good fit for sharing React among several modules, but it is ok for building a single app embedded in a Drupal website.
The React Comments method has been derived in this repository to have a kind of boilerplate to run tests on.
It also provides a demo that loads article nodes from a JSON API endpoint.
The development process is really straightforward:
- cd in /path/to/module/react_app/js/src.
- Install dependencies with
yarn install
. - Copy the constants/.env.example.js file to constants/.env.local.js and set there your Drupal 8 site url. It will be used while debugging React as a standalone app for JSON API requests.
- Edit App.js and your components.
- Run
yarn start
to start the React development server and test your app outside of Drupal. - Run
php build.php
to bundle the dist js and css that are referenced by react_app.libraries.yml.
Generate some articles. Install devel_generate, then:
drush genc 20 --types=article
Install JSON API
composer require drupal/jsonapi
drush en jsonapi
Head to http://drupal8site/react-app/app to access the embedded React app, it should show up a list of articles loaded via React.
- Chapter Three Introducing React Comments
- Amazee Labs Progressive Decoupling 2: A How To Guide
- Zivtech Getting Started with React, Drupal 8, and JsonAPI
- Appnovation Using React library on Drupal
- Isomorphic (universal) JavaScript app using ReactJS + Drupal 8 + Webpack
- A gist of a package.json for transpiling javascript for Drupal Composer project