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I mostly work on multilingual Drupal sites, integrating solutions with Translation Management, Commerce, Migrate, Search API, CDNs (Fastly, Cloudflare), third party system APIs and fully decoupled sites with Gatsby / Next.

When I'm not busy on client projects, I collaborate on Drupal contributed projects or experiment with D3.js, P5.js, Three.js, Python, AI, Arduino, ... I also like to work with independent music labels. Here are some of my side projects.

Side Projects

Drupal Ship

Drupal Ship

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Planet Drupal.

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Drupal Earth

Drupal Earth

Drupal community data visualization based on Three.js an D3.js

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Full Time Hobby

Full Time Hobby

Independent record label based in London, UK

Micah P Hinson

Micah P Hinson

Musician and songwriter based in Texas, USA

Hassle Records

Hassle Records

Independent record label based in London, UK